Wednesday, February 21, 2007

40 Ideas for Lent

Click here for 40 Ideas for Lent

An idea a day to get you through the season.

March 17 Mission

The crew after a good day's work. Lots of painting!

On Saturday March 17 our service will be needed at The Bay Area Seafarer's Service center in Oakland

The International Maritime Center is a "home away from home" for seafarers from distant lands, as well as a community center for our local bay area shipping and long shore community. In addition to aiding seafarers, the International Maritime Center works as a good citizen to build community and provide services for waterfront workers, longshoremen, and truckers regardless of religion, race or nationality.

Please wear your painting clothes! Bring a bag lunch, a bottle of water and $5-$10 participation fee. Talk to your youth minster for details on travel.

See you on St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Summer Mission Trip

Registration for the 2007 God Squad mission trip to New Orleans is officially open. We ask all interested youth (entering sophomore high school through freshman college) to complete and return the registration form, along with a $100 deposit by March 4th.

Some trip details:

The trip is scheduled around July 29th through August 10th. Actual dates will be determined by flight cost and availability
$100 reserves a spot; total cost will depend on fund raising and will likely be about $200
Participation in upcoming God Squad events, including fund raising and pre-formation is essential - calendar to be distributed soon

Contact your youth minister for forms & more information!