Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Rolling with the kids

Today a lucky nine of us got the chance to help out as counselors with a local "youth sacred space and summer program" called Camp Ubuntu . The program is basically a day camp for kids from age 6-18 who's parents can't care for them during the summer. Their leader Helen informed us that most of the children's parents were either sick, deceased, or in jail. Helen told us that at the end of the summer session she'd be taking some of the younger girls to go visit their mothers in prison, many of which were only there for something as innocent as self-defense. We started the day off at Tulane's recreational sports facility with swimming which is the way the kids begin every day. The hope is that, because not many of them can swim and are terrified of water (because of Katrina), at the end of the session they will have a greater chance at surviving another flood. After swimming we played games in the facility: racket ball, basketball, pool, and ping pong. Then we all ate lunch together outside, just in time for a huge down pour.

I found it really interesting that as we passed out the lunches most kids would only eat the chips and cookies. At first I just figured they only wanted the junk food, but apparently when people died while staying in the Super Dome they would put the bodies in empty freezers to keep the from rotting. After that I totally understood where they were coming from! We then went to the Airline Skating Rink, which was so much. Unfortunately they didn't have inline skates so us Cali girls spent most of the time on our butts while these little kids zoomed around like they were born doing it. Even if you weren't on the rink there was still plenty of stuff to do, from arcade games and food to dance offs (which I won, by the way!) In all the day was so amazing. I had so much fun playing with the kids! It was amazing seeing the huge smiles on their faces after they've been through much, and it felt so good to know that our help, as easy and fun as it was, got them through yet another day.

Holly Williams


Anonymous said...


RevSylvia+ said...

What a great day--thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I'm looking forward to hearing y'all preach when you get back! S+

LWillia said...

Wonderful writing, Hols -- as usual! Sounds like a fun way to get started. Wish I'd seen that dance off!
Love & miss you,

Anonymous said...

I'm really proud of you, Holly. Not everyone can help in the way that you are and I think it's fantastic. Be careful and have fun.

Love & see you soon--Aunt K

Anonymous said...

Dear Holly,

I've spent the afternoon with Aunt Kay again. It's been a long time since we spent time together and it's a nice way to spend the day. We went to the doctor since I fell and hit my head on Tuesday. Everything is ok, but I look very purple.

I was worried about your trip to New Orleans, but it sounds like it is working out just fine. Sounds like you're learning things that we couldn't teach you ourselves. Keep up the good work. I want to hear all about it when you come to visit.

Love & kisses--Grandy

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all you are doing in NOLA. Having been there twice since Katrina, we know the devestation. You are truly angels to do the work you do in that heat and humidity.
"Grandma and Grandpa"