Sunday, August 12, 2007

Leslie's Post Trip Reflection

As I’m writing this, I find myself alone at my dinner table, parents out to dinner in SF, brother upstairs playing computer games; home sweet home. I miss the noise of the parish hall at St. George’s and the crazy rules of the heart room. Now that I’m back at my place of residence I’m thankful for my queen-sized bed, but my heart hurts for NOLA and the community we built. I have been lucky enough to do a lot of traveling in my life, but I have never had the privilege to experience what I have just returned from. (With the exception of last year’s mission trip, of course!) It seems as if the God Squad has boundless love to give that spills over to touch every person we meet or encounter. Like a grad student addicted to lattes, I think God Squad is addicted to service. It’s like we can’t get enough, and I think it is that attitude that makes it possible for such an amazing community to form in the face of such devastation. When you ask someone to grab a soda for you, they actually say, “Yeah, sure.” instead of the usual, “Get it yourself!” When you ask someone to listen, you know that they’ll put everything else down until you finish what you have to say. These wonderful people encourage me to do my work with that much more enthusiasm and give me a little hope for this crazy world we are about to inherit. With this in mind, I salute us, and hope that we can be an example for a better, more loving world in the future. Thanks for everything guys; keep up the good work.

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